Monday 20 June 2011

Some of the Preachers

Bishop Clarence MCclendon
Pastor Papa Ayo Oritsejofor
Bishop David Oyedepo
Apostle Anselm Madumbuko

Bishop Enock Adeboye

Bishop Noel Jones

Bishop TD Jakes

Dr. Myles Munroe

Dr. Bill Winston
Dr. D. Olukoya

Dr. Mike Murdock
Pastor Jenzenten Frankline

Dr. Robb Thompson
Pastor Chichi Bismark

Prophet TB Joshua

Pastor  Chris Oyakhilome
Pastor Jamal Byrant
Pastor Joel Osteen

Prophetess Juanita Bynum

Dr. Morris Cerrulo

Pastor Yemesi Ashimolowo
Pastor Benn Hinn
Pastor Rod Parsel

About Us

Allow us to introduce to you the Anointed Sounds AirWaves, a Free to Air Christian Satellite TV Network a firm whose Values and Services are dependable, reliable, inspirational and edifying holistically.Since the inception of our firm three years ago, we have been able to establish excellent relationship with our clientele through steadfast delivery and support services. 

We MAJOR in Selling and Installing Christian Satellite Dishes, Decoders/ Receivers and all other free to air Satellite Accessories such as LNBs.

We SPECIALIZE in Installation of over 20 (twenty) free to air Christian TV Channels among others from around the world WITH NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION OR PAYMENT (stipend) as it is with other commercial secular satellite providers. All what you need to do is a onetime payment of 13,000Ksh (thirteen) and your Satellite Dish will be Installed in your house, Church office, office or in your convenient location.
Our focus is to provide to our clients suitable, edifying and appropriate TV Channels with relevant Christian programs for all in the family.

To our Clients to be from Rwanda, Uganda, Southern Sudan (Juba), Ethiopia, Burundi, and Tanzania, the price of the above Christian Satellite Dish differs a little bit due to:
1.      Transport cost from Nairobi to your Country
2.      Freight cost from Nairobi to your country
3.      Custom’s changes of such items in your country.  

It is with considerable approach to reach all for Jesus’ sake that we have the following price packages for your Country;
  1. Rwanda, Uganda @290US Dollars
  2. Southern Sudan (Juba) @ 350US Dollars
  3. Ethiopia @ 390 US Dollars
  4. Tanzania, Burundi @ 320US Dollars
To be able to reach out to 1,000,000 homes for Jesus Christ within Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Southern Sudan (Juba) within 6years period from 2009- 2014.
Act as platform of Technology that is used as a distribution center of the gospel power through satellite, that all may come to the knowledge of truth and the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mission Statement
To be heavenly conscious on one hand, and on the other to be earthly relevant as Kings.

Are you a WINNER?

Watch Bishop Dr. David Oyedepo every day in several different Channels like Africa Christian Broadcasting Network- ACBN, KICC TV, Hosanna Broadcasting Network – HBN, Messiah Broadcasting Network- MBN and in Kingdom Life Network – KLN.

You cannot follow the teachings of this great general of faith and your life remains empty and scattered like a broken pot. He is a voice not an echo in our generation. Get this asset-(Christian dish), and tune in and let God’s word from the servants of God awake you from the sleep of MEDIOCRITY and spiritual decay and compromise.


Congratulation my brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ for attaining your own independence. The greatest freedom is the freedom from the yoke of sin through the Lord Jesus Christ. I salute you for your tireless efforts you have shown for the last 20 years, today we can all say Ebenezer (this far the Lord has  taken us). The Lord has been good to you despite the hard and difficult road you had to go through. As a Christian Leader and a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, here Kenya I wish to extend this great opportunity of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to your beloved country- Southern Sudan, through the Free to Air Christian Satellite Dish.

You will be able to watch over 50 plus renown and prominent ministers of the gospel on 20 Christian Channels from around the world with no monthly subscription. All you need is a onetime payment of 350 US Dollars (all-inclusive) and your Satellite dish will be installed at your house, office, and Church office or at your convenient location.
Let Revival begin in your beloved country as you get this Christian Satellite dish to sharpen your spiritual skills and understanding. Yes, let your faith increase as you purpose to get this great tool - Satellite, God is using to bring his word to you.

Contact us today and we promise to be there in time. God bless you

A word from the Director

Dear Beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, our soon coming King. Thank you for visiting Anointed Sounds Airwaves, the blessed highway and avenue in which the good news, the gospel is preached, reaching millions of people around the world in their homes. Daniel the prophet of old prophesied and said’ “The people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and stand firm and do exploits for God.” (Amp. Version- Dan 11:32b.)

On the other pages of the same holy bible, we find prophet Habakkuk speaking of our days … “for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Hab. 2:14 – KJV.

The above prophecies are now true in our own eyes as we see the gospel of the kingdom being preached and propagated speedily and accurately to the 6 plus billion people on the earth today.
Anointed Sounds Airwaves is a tool God is using to bring the knowledge of Christ to you, your family, your Church, your village, your society, your city, your community and your country.
God has raised men and women of God who are being used of God in diverse ways to enrich the saints for the work of the ministry. Such true generals of God may never step in our cities, towns not even in our villages, but their voices are heard, and their ministry gifts are touching many even to those who are in the villages and on the highlands of the world through the satellite.

For example, we do not have Apostle Paul with us in this century, but we have him and his voice through his 14 books of the New Testament; – (Romans to Hebrews). He might be physically silent at the grave, but his voice has been louder and clear than none other piercing through every heart and soul of man in all the centuries. Mahatma Gandhi was almost converted to Christianity by reading the New Testament Bible especially the book of Romans. Martin Luther in 15th Century understood by revelation that salvation is not by works of the law, but by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ after reading the book of the Romans.
We can be age mates, but not GRACE MATES. Grace distinguishes between boys of God and men of God. The amount of grace of God on your life determines your ranking in the God’s army and your speed in the race of life. This grace is transferable by association, ardent fellowship and unquenchable, unstoppable love, desire and loyal follow ship as Elisha was to Elijah.  
This Grace is multipliable as Apostle Peter tells us; Grace and Peace be Multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. (2nd. Peter 1:2)
God’s people, the believers are destroyed for lack of nothing else but lack of the knowledge of truth in God.
The great general of faith in our generation Bishop Dr David Oyedepo says and I quote; “The secret of the greatness of men of who they are, and what they have is in their stories.” end quote.

Watching and listening to such men and women of God in our Free to air Christian Satellite Dish or from a CD/DVD is like sitting down at round table with each of them and they personally tell you the secret to their greatness.

Do you know the difference between you and the person you so admire who has made it in the journey of life lies in what he/ she knows as a matter of the discoveries he/she has made as he/she walked on the same road you aspire to pursue or you are pursuing. Wow! Do you know something about the Levels of greatness?
The level you are in today is just a ‘Station’ in the journey of life.
The shortest and the quickest way to reach your destination is to inquire of the way    from him who has traveled on that same way.

On the other hand of the moral fabric, the question is; what do our children watch from Monday to Monday while both mum and dad are at work? Some TV programs are filthy and obscene in nature.

You become what you hear and watch. My advice to you my dear fellow minister of the gospel, fellow parent, my brother and sister is this …“create a heavenly atmosphere in your house and determine what must be watched on your TV screen.
Hear what brother job of old said, “… I have made a covenant with my eyes, how could I gaze at a virgin”? (Job 31:1- N.A.S.B)

Get this Anointed Sounds Airwaves’ Free to air Christian Satellite Dish in your house or office at a minimal cost of 13,000ksh.Wow! That is all, and forever there is no other stipend or payments you will ever make.
May the only wise God bless you dearly as you purpose to increase your capacity of spiritual revelation knowledge in order to become all that you were created to be and have in the journey of life.

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Phinehas Ndivo MTh
Director / Technical Engineer


I believe you are. Get this Free to Air Christian Satellite Dish, tune your heart, and mind to hear what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing around the globe from over 50 plus ministers of the Gospel from different nations of the world. Are you a Church Minister or a Leader? This product is for you. Listening to all these men and women of God daily is like reading 50 plus books daily sharpening your spiritual skills and understanding. Why is God moving in some parts of the world like Argentina, Australia, Israel and some parts of Europe? Why is He not moving in your city or town? Listen to what the fathers of faith are saying concerning the end time revival. Such fathers are Kenneth Copeland, Papa Ayo Oritsejafor, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop Tudor Bismark, Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo, Bishop Enoch Adegboye, Bishop TD Jakes, Pastor Benn Hinn, Apostle Anselm Madubuko, Dr. Morris Cerrulo and John Hagee among others.

Faith comes hearing and hearing by the word of God. Let your faith increase as you purpose to get this great tool - Satellite, God is using to bring his word to you.


1. Rev Dr. Eliakim Osewe- Shilloh Bible College – Kisumu,
KenyaAnointed Sounds Airwaves is a cable Tv Network that all preachers should invest in. The release of heavenly Graces that comes through the TV screen through God’s servants is just something to behold. The timely Word and in-depth of prophetic scriptures lights the candle of your spirit. I do believe that through this Christian Satellite, the knowledge of the Glory of God shall fill the earth as waters covers the sea. It is a great blessing having this Godly product in your house or office. Amen.

2. Brother Elias Owuor Kere – Winners Chapel – KisumuAnointed Sounds Airwaves’ Satellite dish has been a great blessing not
only to our lives as a family but also to many of our visitors some of whom received instant healing by hearing faith preaching from either of the Christian Channels. Personally, I have grown in faith and
Spiritually in the past one year of having it in my house. In this one year, I have more insight of God’s word than the ten years I have been born again.

3. Helen Akinyi Kongere- Winners Chapel - Kisumu
The Anointed Sounds Airwaves’ Satellite Dish come to my house as a miracle and indeed, through it we have received peace, healing and spiritual nourishment by having spiritual atmosphere in the house. As a woman once you have this dish installed in your house, you will receive great and enriching teaching that will help you handle your family spiritually and marital. I have seen my visitors healed by touching the TV screen while the message of healing was being preached where the man of God was saying, “in God the distance is not a barrier.”
May God that has poured blessings and peace in my house bless the Anointed Sounds Airwaves in Jesus Precious Name. Amen

Mode of Payment – Within Kenya

payment is done after the job is done, hence it must be cash on delivery.  

Mode of Payment – Outside Kenya  

At least ½ of the total cost must be paid in advance before the Technicians leave Nairobi to your Country. You can pay through;
Western Union Money Transfer (at your nearest Post Office or your nearest Bank)

Empowering Nuggets & Statements

1)      You cannot follow the teachings of faith and your life remains empty and scattered like a broken pot.
2)      The level you are in today is just a ‘Station’ in the journey of life.
3)      Do you know the difference between you and the person you so admire who has made it in the journey of life lies in what he/ she knows as a matter of the discoveries he/she has made as he/she walked on the same road you aspire to pursue or you are pursuing.
4)      The secret of the greatness of men of who they are, and what they have is in their stories.
5)      We can be age mates, but not GRACE MATES.
6)       Grace distinguishes between boys of God and men of God.
7)      The amount of grace of God on your life determines your ranking in the God’s army and your speed in the race of life.
8)      Grace is transferable by association, ardent fellowship and unquenchable, unstoppable love, desire and loyal follow ship as Elisha was to Elijah.  
9)      Grace is multipliable as Apostle Peter tells us; Grace and Peace be Multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. (2nd. Peter 1:2)
10)  The product you want to produce tomorrow must be realized today.
11)  Life does not give what you want but that which you demand.
12)  Things in life do not just happen, they are caused to happen.
13)  The forest you expect in the future is in the seed form today.
14)  Laziness is not the inability to work hard, but it is the state of the mind.
15)  The journey of life is like a sea with all creatures such as whales, sharks, Hippos and crocodiles. The question is, why do some of us do swim through these great obstructers while others are eaten up by the same creatures?
16)  Importunity is of the essence of successful prayer life.
17)  The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on the knees.
18)  Prayer freshens the heart of the preacher, keeps it in tune with God and sympathy with the people, lifts his ministry out of the chilly air of profession, fructifies routine and moves every wheel with the facility and power of a divine unction.
19)  It is impossible for the preacher to keep his spirit in harmony with divine nature of his high calling without much prayer.
20)  Preaching is not a performance of an hour; it is an outflow of a life.
21)  As the life-giving milk from the mother’s breasts is but the mother’s life, so all the preachers says is life or death to the hearers depending on what the preacher is.
22)  The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, but through men, yea men of much prayer and holiness.
23)  The glory and the efficiency of the gospel is staked on the men who proclaim it.
24)  The preacher is the golden pipe through which the divine oil flows, the pipe must not only be golden, but open and flawless, that the oil may have a full, unhindered and unwasted flow.
25)  God’s true preachers have been distinguished by one great feature; they were men and women of prayer, even much prayer.
26)  God does not have any deals with casual Christians.
27)  A pulpit without much prayer will be a barren thing delivering letters to its audience; hence, the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.
28)  Prayer puts God in the matter with commanding force- Isaiah 45:11
29)  The story of every great Christian Achievement is the history of answered prayer.
 Always strive to be on top in your pursuit, for the bottom is over-crowded.


Contact us

P.O. Box 6834-00200 Nairobi
Tel: 254-727-241025 / 0732-774187
Facebook: anointedsoundsairwaves

Physical Address and Office:
Kitengela Town, off Namanga road next to Tropicana Restaurant.
The Power of the Cross Ministries International.