Monday 20 June 2011

A word from the Director

Dear Beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, our soon coming King. Thank you for visiting Anointed Sounds Airwaves, the blessed highway and avenue in which the good news, the gospel is preached, reaching millions of people around the world in their homes. Daniel the prophet of old prophesied and said’ “The people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and stand firm and do exploits for God.” (Amp. Version- Dan 11:32b.)

On the other pages of the same holy bible, we find prophet Habakkuk speaking of our days … “for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Hab. 2:14 – KJV.

The above prophecies are now true in our own eyes as we see the gospel of the kingdom being preached and propagated speedily and accurately to the 6 plus billion people on the earth today.
Anointed Sounds Airwaves is a tool God is using to bring the knowledge of Christ to you, your family, your Church, your village, your society, your city, your community and your country.
God has raised men and women of God who are being used of God in diverse ways to enrich the saints for the work of the ministry. Such true generals of God may never step in our cities, towns not even in our villages, but their voices are heard, and their ministry gifts are touching many even to those who are in the villages and on the highlands of the world through the satellite.

For example, we do not have Apostle Paul with us in this century, but we have him and his voice through his 14 books of the New Testament; – (Romans to Hebrews). He might be physically silent at the grave, but his voice has been louder and clear than none other piercing through every heart and soul of man in all the centuries. Mahatma Gandhi was almost converted to Christianity by reading the New Testament Bible especially the book of Romans. Martin Luther in 15th Century understood by revelation that salvation is not by works of the law, but by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ after reading the book of the Romans.
We can be age mates, but not GRACE MATES. Grace distinguishes between boys of God and men of God. The amount of grace of God on your life determines your ranking in the God’s army and your speed in the race of life. This grace is transferable by association, ardent fellowship and unquenchable, unstoppable love, desire and loyal follow ship as Elisha was to Elijah.  
This Grace is multipliable as Apostle Peter tells us; Grace and Peace be Multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. (2nd. Peter 1:2)
God’s people, the believers are destroyed for lack of nothing else but lack of the knowledge of truth in God.
The great general of faith in our generation Bishop Dr David Oyedepo says and I quote; “The secret of the greatness of men of who they are, and what they have is in their stories.” end quote.

Watching and listening to such men and women of God in our Free to air Christian Satellite Dish or from a CD/DVD is like sitting down at round table with each of them and they personally tell you the secret to their greatness.

Do you know the difference between you and the person you so admire who has made it in the journey of life lies in what he/ she knows as a matter of the discoveries he/she has made as he/she walked on the same road you aspire to pursue or you are pursuing. Wow! Do you know something about the Levels of greatness?
The level you are in today is just a ‘Station’ in the journey of life.
The shortest and the quickest way to reach your destination is to inquire of the way    from him who has traveled on that same way.

On the other hand of the moral fabric, the question is; what do our children watch from Monday to Monday while both mum and dad are at work? Some TV programs are filthy and obscene in nature.

You become what you hear and watch. My advice to you my dear fellow minister of the gospel, fellow parent, my brother and sister is this …“create a heavenly atmosphere in your house and determine what must be watched on your TV screen.
Hear what brother job of old said, “… I have made a covenant with my eyes, how could I gaze at a virgin”? (Job 31:1- N.A.S.B)

Get this Anointed Sounds Airwaves’ Free to air Christian Satellite Dish in your house or office at a minimal cost of 13,000ksh.Wow! That is all, and forever there is no other stipend or payments you will ever make.
May the only wise God bless you dearly as you purpose to increase your capacity of spiritual revelation knowledge in order to become all that you were created to be and have in the journey of life.

Yours Faithfully

Stephen Phinehas Ndivo MTh
Director / Technical Engineer

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